Kingdom Hearts is the sole property of Square Enix and Disney, and is therefore in no way mine. I'm merely expanding on the fandom, not making any profit from the use of scenes, characters, etc.
All other movies, games, toy lines, and/or books used within this fanfiction series are under the same terms of use.

Aanyx, Narexk, Xandera, Anya, Ikxe, Kei, Xcaiyet, Lynnx, and Kaull are the sole property of Sincerely Doubtful Productions; please do not alter, repost, copy, or in any way claim your own, as they are all very dear to me and have taken a VERY long time to get to where they are.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Teaser Trailer and Disk Menu

Disk art if ATJ were a game (minus the logos and whatnot)

(A Link for the song--feel free to ignore the video, as it has spoilers!!!)
Once the disk loads, the screen turns black. A haunting, music-box-like tune plays what could have once been an innocent lullaby in the background as lightening flashes across the screen. Much like the 'end game' screen that appears after you die in the game, Sora appears to float in the darkness of a pitch-black screen. What was first thought to be his heart floating above his dormant form is, in fact, the normal Kingdom Hearts 2 logo. It suddenly bursts in bright green flames and turns into its inverse colors, growing to take up the top 2/3 of the screen as Aanyx's sadistic laugh joins in the melody. She herself fades in from the bottom of the screen, glaring from underneath her bangs at the screen as the 'Load Game' and 'New Game' options appear.

By selecting the ‘New Game’, The screen fades through the typical credits before showing Kingdom Hearts as a beam of light shot straight through its center. The screen proceeds to show the fall of The Castle That Never Was, while Aanyx’s voice echoes over the song 300 Violin Orchestra.
We are the challengers of the mysterious, the explorers of the unknowable.
We are Organization XIII.
The images fade to black, soon replaced by a short clip of each Organization member appearing with their stats. Each clip lasts approx. 10 seconds.
I.                          Xemnas—The Superior of the In-Between—Controls Sorcerers, uses the attribute of Nothingness and weapons called Ethereal Blades.
II.                       Xigbar—The Freeshooter—Controls Snipers, uses the attribute of Space and Arrow Guns.
III.                   Xaldin—The Whirlwind Lancer—Controls Dragoons, uses the attribute of Wind and six Lances.
IV.                    Vexen—The Chilly Academic—Uses the attribute of Ice and a Shield.
V.                        Lexaeus—The Silent Hero—Uses the attribute of Earth and a Tomahawk.
VI.                    Zexion—The Cloaked Schemer—Uses the attribute of Illusion and a Lexicon.
VII.                 Saïx—The Luna Diviner—Controls Berserkers, uses the attribute of Moon and a Claymore.
VIII.             Axel—The Flurry of Dancing Flames—Controls Assassins, uses the attribute of Fire and two Chakrams.
IX.                    Demyx—The Melodious Nocturne—Controls Dancers, uses the attribute of Water and a Sitar.
X.                        Luxord—The Gambler of Fate—Controls Gamblers, uses the attribute of Time as well as Cards.
XI.                    Marluxia—The Graceful Assassin—Uses the attribute of Nature and a Scythe.
XII.                 Larxene—The Savage Nymph—Uses the attribute of Lightening and eight Kunai.
XIII.             Roxas—The Key of Destiny—Controls Samurai, uses the attribute of Light and can wield up to three different Keyblades at once.
XIV.              Lynnx—The Sue—Uses the attribute of Sue and can wield any weapon with ease.
XV.                  Naminé—The Chained Artist—Uses the attribute of Memory and Chains.
XVI.              Aanyx—The Twilit Morph—Uses the attribute of Metamorphosis and two Whips.
XVII.           Narexk—The Energetic Optimist—Uses the attribute of Energy and two Elbow-Blades.
XVIII.       Xcaiyet—The Howling Gun—Uses the attribute of Emotion and a Walther PPK Gun.
XIX.              Xandera—The Reaper in Flight—Uses the attribute of Dark Matter and a Scythe.
XX.                  Kaull—The Replica—Uses the attribute of Darkness and the Keyblade Geminite.
Those, too, fade out, this time into what appears to be Aanyx as she stands at the very top of The Castle That Never Was. Her cloak billows in the wind and rain, braid whipping around her form as she looks expressionlessly down at the ground below. Closing her eyes she jumps, a flash of lightening obscuring the screen. When it clears she, Xcaiyet, Narexk, Axel, Luxord, Demyx, and Xigbar are fighting Ikxe, blades crashing with blades and magic flying everywhere. A wall of Blizagga flurries across the screen, the scene once more changing to Aanyx and Roxas at school in Twilight Town, walking down the hall and laughing. Roxas disappears, and the screen cuts to Aanyx’s eyes as they flash red.
Cut to Aanyx floating on one side of the screen, eyes closed and arms in an upside-down V shape. A light surrounds her before moving to the right, where Anya appears. Aanyx fades into darkness, the screen going black and music silenced as Her Darkness’ words ring out.
There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those weak enough to corrupt it.
The song resumes, full blast, this time showing a sweep-around of Xcaiyet and Axel as they mutely fight. Axel backhands her, drawing blood. Cut to Xcaiyet’s face, handprint visible and tears rolling down her face and mixing with the trickle of blood. Zoom out as she portals away, revealing Axel wordlessly reaching out to try and stop her, before he hangs his head and slams a fist into a wall, setting it aflame. The fire spreads; cut to his face set in steely determination with a tear rolling down his tattoo. Cut to wide shot; revealing Axel as he’s about to execute his suicide attack in Betwixt and Between.
The fire grows brighter until the screen goes white, cutting then to Demyx as he bangs his fist continually against a forcefeild. Pan left revealing Narexk standing there holding a Paopu fruit, seemingly not noticing Demyx. She stares at it in her hands before looking up at the screen; cut to a closer shot as her face twists into a demonic grin, and she leaps towards the screen. Pan with her jump as she lands in Hollow Bastion, blocking Sephiroth’s final blow to Sora. The grin widens as she zips out of view before appearing on his back, elbow blade to his throat.
A wall of Dark Matter engulfs the scene to reveal Aanyx and Xemnas fighting through the worlds. Xemnas rips one wing from her back with his bare hands, Aanyx soundlessly letting out a loud scream of agony. The screen cuts to Aanyx laying in bed, her eyes snapping open as she sits bolt upright. Zooming out reveals her to be in her room at The Castle That Never Was, and she shakily dons her cloak, gloves, and boots, stepping through a portal of darkness.
The screen cuts to black once more, Aanyx’s voice reading the title as it expands until it takes up the whole screen.
A Twilit Journey: Aanyx’s Tale…

The screen fades to black, dead silence all around. The muffled sound of talking can be heard as the screen blurs into a view of Aanyx hiding behind a wall. The voice clarifies, Aanyx’s eyes widening at Saïx’s words.
“…must act now. The girl is far too much trouble to be kept alive.”
Cut to Aanyx walking up to a hooded figure. Though her mouth moves, no sound comes out, and the figure gives a grunt of surprise. [Subtitles: I’m leaving the Organization.] “What? But why?”Again, her mouth moves, and again no sound is heard. The figure, now identified by voice as Roxas, slumps over sadly. [Subtitles: I have to, Roxas. The others want me dead. Isn’t leaving better than dying?] “I guess…I just wish there was another way…”Aanyx gives him a tight hug, a tear falling down her cheek as she says something else before leaving in a portal. Roxas removes his hood, revealing his own tears. [Subtitles: Hey, I’m a tough girl. Why worry, right?] “…Because I love you, that’s why.”

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